Friday, July 7, 2017

Report: Donald Trump “Furious” After Robert Mueller Subpoenas His Bank Accounts And Phone Records

 by Down Goes Trump - July 7, 2017

Although he doesn’t have the gravitas or legal standing to try doing it, Donald Trump has repeatedly floated the notion of late that he might try to fire Special Counsel Robert Mueller in the last ditch hope of stopping the Trump-Russia investigation. Now comes a report that may help explain why Trump has been tossing around the crazy idea.

Pesach ‘Pace’ Lattin, a former U.S. government intel agent, has shared the following details from his own inside sources: “Mueller has issued suboeonas on Trump bank accounts, phone records, to WH staff” (link). He goes on to add “Trump furious.” This would explain a lot about what’s been progressing behind the scenes.

By “White House staff” we presume he means the attorneys that Donald Trump keeps hiring to represent him in the Russia scandal, who seem to be interspersed with the rest of Trump’s small sized White House staff. If so, then it would mean Trump is aware that Mueller is going after his bank and phone records, and it would explain why Trump has been hitting the panic button about Mueller of late.

It also points to Robert Mueller going far beyond just investigating Donald Trump for colluding with Russia, and instead investigating his financial relationships with Russia. In this regard, Mueller has hired prosecutors for his team with specialties in areas like money laundering and international organized crime.

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